New Buyer Intake Form

Name (2nd Person)
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Check here if you'd like to receive Corvallis Multi-Family Investment Opportunities. (a listserv for those who would like to receive number crunches on Corvallis Duplex/Triplex/Fourplexes)


Are you a First Time Home Buyer?(Required)
Do you need to sell a home?(Required)
Do you have a relationship with a lender?(Required)
Are you Pre-Approved?(Required)

Purchasing Criteria

Date of HBC: _______________

Referred to Lender: _________

Paragon: _________

CRM: _________

Address Book: _________

PRE: _________

INV: _________

NCS: _________

RA: _________

BRA Signed: ________

GroupThread: _________

Scanned 2DropBox: _________

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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